Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 2017 update ($386,711 -$1,120 or -0.3%)

Vanguard Emerging markets ETF is up by 6% or $882
Rosneft shares went up by 2% or $221 for my portfolio.
iShares core DAX wen up 2% or $378
iShares Emerging markets sovereign debt ETF (IEMB )  is up by 1% or $300
iShares Emerging markets  Corporate bonds ETF (EMCR) is up by 2% or $880
Precious metals are up by 7% or $686
Grand total additions:  $3,347
Vanguard S&P500 ETF is down 1% or $945
Gazprom shares are down 2% or $2,835
Company shares are down by 3% or $687
Grand total losses:  $ 4,467

Sunday, January 22, 2017

2017 Financial Independence Goals

This year it took me a little bit longer to come up with financial independence goals. The journey continues but at a slower pace. I am with the same company but on a half of the salary, doing more hours than ever before.
Focus in the coming year will be on sharpening and developing new skills and knowledge to move on.

Than you think about it  - over 25% of our income goes towards mortgage, house bills and property tax, I need to adjust now.

Financial goals.
- Accumulate $10 K a year, with $4k of them towards long term house maintenance.
- Portfolio – go 0% cash for savings as of end 2016.  Generate $10K in dividends. Portfolio to be $430 K by end of the year.
- Develop additional income source in full, potential reward about $2,000 a year.

- Regular monthly updates.
- To cover 6 themes on financial independence. Two of them : mortgage, 30 year forecast scenario.
- Publish easy tracker for the long-term portfolio performance.
- Create list of books to read - 12 books is minimum.
- Read the books.
- Publish the books reviews.

Family Budget:
- Stay under 110%  of 2016 budget. Increase is due to additional cost of commuting.

Be happy.  Run 1,000 miles during the year. Keep BMI below, target 26.5 (current 27.7).

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

2016 Financial Independence Goals ($387,831 +$92,295 or +31%)

Financial goals.
- Accumulate at least $24K a year. Stretched target - $50K.  Partially complete. Accumulated approximately $ 38K.
- Portfolio should be able to generate $8,000 a year after taxes in the money of the day.  – Complete.  Without seeing end of the year result from some of the companies received $8 K after taxes.
- Develop additional income source in full, potential reward about $2,000 a year – Not achieved, although some measurable progress made.
- Less than 5% of portfolio in cash by end of the year and $350 K overall net worth in the money of the day – Partially achieved, portfolio $387 K but approximately 11% in cash.

- Regular monthly updates – Not achieved. (Missed September update).
- To cover 6 themes on financial independence -  Portfolio performance, Assets Allocation,  Energy stocks screening and Family budget. Missing one more theme.
- Publish easy tracker for the long-term portfolio performance – Not achieved.
- Create list of books to read - 12 books are minimum. Not achieved. Read only two, not achieved.
- Read the books.
- Publish the books reviews – Not achieved.
Family Budget:
- Stay under $100,000 with the family expenses – Achieved. Spent $84K.
- Accumulate $7,000 towards durable goods replacement over 10 years – Achieved.

Be happy.  Run 1,000 miles during the year. Keep BMI below, target 26.6 (current 27.5)- Partially complete. Ran 1,022 miles but BMI is 27.4.