- Most companies pay dividends 4 times a year. Dividends are reinvested 4 times. For my calculation I did reinvestment once a year for the cumulative dividend.
- Compound inflation in the USA between 2010 and 2020 is 25%.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Dividend Aristocrats
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I am always on a look to read personal financial blogs. There are a few of them out there. Too many rushing to monetize, consist mainly of referrals, ending up having more advertising than the Super Bowl. The others keep publishing very general information. This make them very boring read to me.
As I am doing my budgeting for the past 10 years. When I read personal finance blogs I can easily tell when expenses or investments are made up (fake). You can see that they are unrealistic, not consistent with stock market movement, incomplete. When I come across an interesting and active blog, which I would read I added to by Blogroll. There is no reciprocity, I use the blogroll as my favorites for financial blogging. Here is an additional source of Early Retirement Blogs.
About 15 years ago financial blogs were new, easily gaining large number of readers. I was re-reading a blog of SmartMoney and one of the prominent bloggers who argued, that using Ben Graham's Formula, Discounted Cash Flow and Capital Asset Pricing Model Amazon shares were significantly overvalued at $33. At the time the personal blogger had about $28K invested. If he bought 850 Amazon shares, his nest egg would be over $2 million today without an additional investment.
About same time I was presented with my first ipod classic. It was the time when Apple devices were still gay and for the first time, I felt what usability looks like. There was no need to explain anything. Something told me that I should invest in this company but I didn’t. If I listened to myself there would be no need to work for money now. I had enough money to buy 10,000 shares at those prices, which is over $3 million today.
How you had hunches which you ignored and later regret?