GBP is up to USD by 2.9% or $408
Grand total additions: $408
Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund is down by $3,909 or 2.8%
Eurozone Stock Index Fund is down by $2,440 0r 2.0%
US 500 Stock Index Fund is down by $2,023 or 1.8%
Global Small Cap Index is down by $1,052 or 0.9%
FTSE U.K. All Share Index accumulation is up
by $9 or 0.1%
Grand total losses $ 9,433
Recent market performance clearly shows that being in the
stock market during retirement could afford only rich people. In the last three
month I lost over $26 K USD.
In Western Europe where we are at the moment there is quite
unusual economic events – the unemployment is record low (with except of PIGS –
Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) but these does not translate into real earnings
growth and inflation is picking up. Officially reported inflation is around 3%,
but ability to manipulate the figures is something developed countries
routinely do. Real inflation is 5%+. This resulting that people do not have
money to invest in the economy, on top of heavily regulated market.
Fun fact: Those active fund managers who manage to beat
market, on average do it by 60cents for
every 100 USD invested a year. The manager keep 44 cents and give back to the client’s
16 cents only. These is particularly
depressing for pension funds. This is
high risk for very little benefit pushes any potential investors to re-evaluate
worthiness of active management and managers. For portfolio of $100 K USD over
30 years the additional 0.16% represent $5K gain. As a comparison 7% over 30 years represents $661
K gain.
This is industry , as there are a lot of research governance and
monitoring involved, making any call by mass media or analysts are biased (not
in investors favor).
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