↑ Emerging
Markets Stock Index Fund is up by $1,281 or +1.0%
↑ Eurozone Stock
Index Fund is up by $149 or +0.1%
↑ US 500 Stock
Index Fund is up by $1,765 or +1.4%
↑ Global Small
Cap Index is up by $589 or +0.5%
↑ Vanguard FTSE
U.K. All Share Index is up by $550 or +2.3%
↑ Additional
cash to invest $3,494 under my pension plan.
Grand total additions:
↓ GBP to USD is
down by $1,326 or -4.0%
↓ EUR is down to
USD by $4,314 or -2%
Grand total losses: $5,640
The only investment
which generates historically 7% among my choices is S&P500. The rest are going under slightly, bringing overall
12 months rolling to 3.4%. This is
including $23K I saved in the past period.
Apart from the underperformance in absolute terms, Western Europeans currency
are down 4% (EUR) and 8% (GBP). Eurozone
is the worst performer of all.
With chaotic politics
I expect that big correction sometime this year, beginning of the next. When
S&P goes below 24,500 I will invest my cash into it or will keep looking at
alternative investment. In the mean time will keep saving $1,250 a month
towards my retirement. The best option
to break this barrier is to start looking for a new job, which enables me to
save more money.
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