Wednesday, March 1, 2023

February 2023 update ($773,758 -$10,527 or -1.3%)

↓ Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund is down by $5,228 or -4.0%
↓ US 500 Stock Index Fund is down by $5,982 or -2.0%
↓ Global Small Cap Index is down by $2,597 or -1.8%
Total losses: $13,808

↑ Eurozone Stock Index Fund is up by $2,382 or +1.7%
↑ Growth fund is up $899 USD or +1.4%
Grand total gains: $3,281 USD

February 2023 Financial Independence update

While reading the financial news I started catching myself that the governments are desperate enough so they start putting nationalist agenda. Back in 2017 I have been influenced by John Lee. John Lee is an ex-Conservative MP who served in Margaret Thatcher’s government and contributor to Financial Times and others British online news sites. In 2016 he wrote in an article: “Thankfully I have stayed well clear of exploration, commodity and Chinese stocks, all of which have had a pretty awful year, and instead focused predominantly on well-stewarded, profitable, conservative, dividend-paying small caps.”

This year he bluntly stated: “My portfolio is almost entirely in the UK”. Here is comparison of the UK vs S&P500 vs German DAX indexes:

Western European stocks (the UK, Germany) are chronically behind the USA

I hope this is self-explanatory where to invest.   It has to be noted that due to politicking western economies suffering mightily.  This partially explains why the USA government is saving Silicon Valley Bank with the public money.  I have to agree with notion that the rescue package shows that American capitalism is breaking down before our eyes.  There’s been a loss of financial discipline with the government bailing out depositors in full (even those with balances above the $250,000 federal insurance limit).

 Fun fact:   I was asking myself why do I write this blog on the financial independence?  For me, writing is the process by which I realize that I don’t understand what I am talking about.  It also the process by which I figure it out.  I am almost always discovering new things in the process of writing.   With the raise  of so-called artificial intelligence there will be even more tools that can write for you, increasing signal to noise ratio. They, however, wont help you to learn to think or understand a problem with deep fluency.  You need the deep fluency to solve hard problems.


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